Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Oreo-Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies

A week before Thanksgiving I made Oreo-Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies in mini form! I adapted a recipe only slightly from one of my favorite food blogs, Picky Palate! The original recipe can be found here.

The list of ingredients:
2 sticks of butter
3/4 cup of brown sugar (I used dark brown and I like the softness it creates in the cookie)
1 cup of granulated sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon vanilla
1 teaspoon baking soda
3 and 1/2 cups all purpose flour
1 bag of mini chocolate chips
1 bag of mini oreos

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F and line a cookie sheet or two with aluminum foil to make clean-up quick and painless!

I melted the butter and combined the butter and both sugars in a bowl using a hand mixer. I then mixed in the eggs and vanilla to get my final product of wet ingredients.

In a separate bowl, I mixed the dry ingredients: salt, baking soda, flour. This gave me my dry ingredients.

Next, I combined them and added more than 3/4 the bag of the mini chocolate chips to get a delicious cookie dough. (Note, this cookie dough is moist and delicious. I may have eaten too much and ruined my dinner, but it was totally worth it)

After you have the dough, it's time to break out the mini Oreos. I used a teaspoon scoop to scoop the dough. Place one scoop on top and one scoop on the bottom of the Oreo and then press the sides together to seal the Oreo in place. Place on the cookie sheet until it's full and then bake until done. Mine took about 10 minutes.

Look at these babies!

These are definitely a crowd pleaser! I gave some to girls in my house and it was fun watching them bite into them without knowing about the surprise in the middle!

Who can go wrong with this combination? It was heavenly.
I would definitely recommend this recipe! It's made with simple ingredients and really easy. Plus clean-up was a breeze with only two bowls and the measuring cups and mixers, all of which is dishwasher safe! My last plug for these cookies is that they are small, which are often perfect for girls, who want something small to satisfy that sweet tooth. They are pretty much guilt-free, unless like me, you eat 10. :)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Beauty in the Broken

Yesterday, I was walking back to my house. This year I have tried much more to be present and notice change as it occurred so that I don't get to the point where I look around me and think, "Whoa! When did that happen??" I talked about this earlier when I told you about how I am trying to enjoy and notice the change of seasons.

Anyways, back to the story, I was walking back to my house. I had just gone on a short run in the absolutely beautiful weather. It felt like summer in November, and I am not complaining. It was another gorgeous day. Well anyways, I go to the most beautiful school. The change of seasons is incredible here. I snapped this picture of a ginkgo tree just walking back from class the other week. So I was looking around at the wonderful architecture and trees and feeling the warm breeze on my slightly flushed cheeks (it was a short run after all). I then crossed a bridge and looked to my left to notice the train track which runs right behind my house. It was the first time I had really taken the time to stop and look at my surroundings and it was dire sight. The track tracks seemed to epitomize the industrialization that has taken over the natural beauty of this city. It was grimy sight to see the rusted tracks at the bottom of the sloped banks, obviously cutting into the banked land. Surrounding the tracks, trash was scattered across the twisted brush and thorns. I realized how broken and unnatural this sight was. I searched desperately for anything redeeming about the scene that was set before me. It had contrasted so starkly with the splendor of the old columns and changing trees that I was taken aback. And as my eyes scanned the scene, there was a plump, brown bird just sitting in the brush. As I listened, chirps of birds filled my ears. It was beautiful. The sight of that bird just made me think of one of my favorite quotes: "There's still beauty in the broken, it's just harder to find."

This story is a reminder for me and for you to take the time to look for those good things that occur in the midst of brokenness. This story also reminded me of a quote that my campus minister said during a sermon on    "Chasing Time." He said, "I understand that oftentimes the darkness overshadows those good gifts, but that doesn't mean that the good gifts aren't there. You might want something different, but the good gifts are present." I believe that God is good. He is gracious and gives us these good things to encourage us. Don't miss out on these "God-signs."

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

“The books or the music in which we thought the beauty was located will betray us if we trust to them; it was not in them, it only came through them,and what came through them was longing. 

These things—the beauty, the memory of our own past—are good images of what we really desire; but if they are mistaken for the thing itself they turn into dumb idols, breaking the hearts of their worshippers. 

For they are not the thing itself; they are only the scent of a flower we have not found, the echo of a tune we have not heard, news from a country we have never yet visited.”

- C. S. Lewis

You know those little quotes that you think are written just to you? those times when you feel like you are the only one in the world who thinks a certain way, and then you read or hear something that acknowledges that someone else shares the same viewpoint? The quote speaks to me.

At school, I am incredibly blessed by Reformed University Fellowship (RUF). I started attending RUF in the second semester of my freshman year, and, wow, God is present in that place. The students are incredible. They are all so talented, motivated, impressive, socially graceful, adept, and loving. They inspire me to be a better lover of the Lord and others and a harder worker. The Lord has been especially generous in giving us a phenomenal campus minister. He is just so great. The Lord speaks through him in ways that consistently tug at my heart each week.

This semester, he is going through a series of sermons on Ecclesiastes. Each week we examine the things we are chasing: certainty, relationships, money, power, etc. Last night, he talked about chasing youth. He told us of the quote about as we are to rejoice in our youth and remember our Creator. We are to see the world as pointing us towards the Lord. 

I cannot say it enough: I love this quote. It acknowledges my longing. It acknowledges that I search for beauty. I go to a absolutely beautiful university. It is historic, prestigious, and diverse. I am surrounded with an amazing landscape and incredible human feats of brilliance everyday. These feats are empty unless we realize that they are a mere reflection of the Creator. 

Today is a day that the Lord has given us. Today, I am relying on his grace. Today, I will rejoice in my youth and remember my Creator, appreciating the good and beautiful things that he has given me knowing that they are reflection of His beauty and flow out of Him.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

College Knowledge

College is obviously a time of understanding and growth. However, I am quite convinced that some of life's most important bits of knowledge are learned outside the classroom. Here are some tricks of the trade, some survival tips, if you will about the beautiful place that I go to school.

1. Beware of the creatures - particularly squirrels. They are feisty, lacking all fear of humans. They break into your trash cans, eat human food, and run out in front of you when you are walking. They are rambunctious and mischievous. Squirrels here are crazy. Also, my house has been frequented by a skunk. We think he lives under the porch. Thus said, I have to learn how to approach these ferocious woodland creatures in a world dominated by the natives.

2. Be careful walking on brick. It has a tendency to get quite slippery. Leaves and water only amplify the ability of brick to remove the friction between your foot and the ground and can tend to cause some significant embarrassment. Let's just say it wasn't my best day when I decided to walk down the Corner - which has all brick sidewalks - wearing flip flops in the rain. I skidded multiple times and had to choose my steps very carefully in order to avoid falling. 

3. Always check the weather. is my go-to. The view from your bedroom window is quite misleading. Just because the sun is sunny and shining does not mean that the day is warm. It only takes a few times for me to learn this lesson. 

4. If you can help it, don't bring your laptop to class. You say you take notes faster on the laptop, but in reality if you are anything like me, the lack of self-control + small attention span = internet surfing including but not limited to: facebook, twitter, blogging, online shopping, google maps, email, bank statements,, sporcle, food blogs, personal blogs, all types of any blogs, crossword puzzles, sudoku, etc. Just don't do. Don't allow yourself to be tempted in the first place. 

5. Lastly, but certainly not least, relationships are important. School is important, but in balance. As creatures made in God's image, we were intended for relationships and those relationships with others are good for us. They help to fulfill our desires and give us a glimpse of Christ's union with us. They should be prioritized. When I look back on my first year, it is not the little conversations that I regret. I only wish I still had some of the opportunities to talk with the girls on my hall, or chat with my RA, or grab dinner with a friend that I don't see much. I don't want to miss out on the little things this year, those little times that build and strengthen friendships. The little things add up. Those opportunities each give you the chance to strengthen your relationship a little bit more or to let those opportunities pass. I live with way too many wonderful girls to allow the latter. 

 I mean, look at these beautiful girls.

And it's hard to focus sometimes with these two thugs living next door.

So I will continue to survive this crazy, college life and thank the Lord for the little blessings he daily bestows upon me.
Eyes up,

Friday, November 4, 2011

Baby, Jupiter's Got Nothin on You

I am currently sitting in the library. You might be thinking, "Great, you are so focused and disciplined for staying in and working on a Thursday night." Well. w-r-o-n-g. wrong. I am sitting here listening to music, popping in on facebook, twitter, and all my favorite blogs, looking at pictures. I have written one page of my paper all night, and it's not even coherent. You might be wondering why I am so distracted at this point. Well, let me just tell you.

My sister and mom are coming down on Saturday!!

I am seriously too excited!! They are coming down for my basketball tournament and then we are planning to catch dinner and catch up and chat and have girl time! I cannot wait....

While in the midst of my procrastinating, I got on my facebook and starting to browse for a picture of my sister and me to put on my profile with some cheesy caption about how I was going to see her in two days, and I couldn't wait. But, as I began this process, I began to realize how many pictures on my profile were of her and me just gushing about how awesome I think she is. I guess in this cyber world, I am trying to figure out where the appropriate time and place for such rants are. While the world of facebook may be sick of my rambling, that's what a blog is for, right?

So, let me tell you about one of my favorite people in the world. :) 

Julia is my younger sister, by three and a half years to be exact. Look at her: she is such a babe, absolutely gorgeous. There are so many reasons that I admire her, but I will try to be as composed as possible when writing about her. 
1. She is strong-willed. She sticks up for herself. She is a strong young woman. When I was her age, I didn't really know what I wanted, so I was quick to follow the crowd on things that I didn't really have an opinion about. Now, this girl, is opinionated, and she will stick up for herself. She knows when to fight her battles and when to keep her mouth shut. She has amazing social graces and social perception, skills that can't be taught. Also, she is an amazing judge of character. She analyzes situations and is able to see people's true colors quickly. She is also not afraid to stick up to me when she thinks or knows she is right. She is not intimidated by those who are older or have more authority than her. 
2. She knows how to make me laugh. I seriously don't laugh as much with anyone else than when I am with her. She is hilarious and quirky. She and I share a certain way of looking at the world. We can seriously communicate with very few words.
3. She is talented. She works hard at all she does and dives into the things that she is passionate about head first. She works hard at school and challenges herself. She is a dedicated runner. She is a loyal friend and faithful sister and daughter. 
4. She is beautiful, inside and out. She is fun, funny, quirky, lovable, loving, talented, and loyal.

All the time we spend together is so important to me. I would not trade her for the world. She is my best friend and my role model. To say that I am excited to see her is an understatement.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


The seasons have been incredible this year. The changes that occur in each one are absolutely amazing. I also think that this year I have been trying to be more evident of my surroundings. Last year, I went into a hole of studying and friends allowing time to pass and things to change without my notice. I am determined not to let that happen this year. So I have been enjoying the seasons in their glory! I am absolutely lovin' fall. Pumpkins, apples, leaves, reds, yellows, oranges, crisp cool air, bonfires, cute kids in costumes. What's not to love?

Yesterday marked the first day of November. Yikes! Where does the time go? I decided that I would set a month long goal for myself of working out everyday this month. If you don't already know, I am a huge workout junkie. I love to hit the gym, play outside, push myself to my limit, play some basketball, or just run, run, run. Now, I'm not insane. I have bad days where I just don't feel motivated. But I want to set a goal for myself and be active everyday. I feel so much better about myself and the world. It's my way of burning off some stress and letting my body go on autopilot. I will definitely keep you updated on how this journey goes for me! Because I play basketball at least three times a week, I don't think it will be that difficult to do!

Eyes up,