First of all my love, congratulations on your engagement. No one could be happier than me. I am praying for you. I am praying for your new life with this man. I am so encouraged by the ways I have seen him push you to grow in grace and nudge your weaknesses. I truly believe that you and he are different in many ways, but these differences compliment one another and bring two people together who have different backgrounds and histories. You have the one similarity that is of any importance: you love Christ. I can't wait to see how you will continue to grow with this man, as a living image of Christ's love for the church. Your relationship preaches the gospel to me. I pray that you two will continue to glorify God throughout your whole lives. There is no other purpose for which we were made.
Secondly, just know that you will be missed. There are so many things I will miss about having you here:
- I will miss carpooling with you to all church events
- I will miss our late night talks and movie sessions
- I will miss spending the Fourth of July with you and watching fireworks with you
- I will miss watching movies with you
- I will miss eating ice cream with you
- I will miss sharing music in the car
- I will miss being passionate and watching your body language when you get really excited about something
- I will miss your sweet spirit
- I will miss your entertaining and hilarious stories that only happen to you
- I will miss your enthusiasm
- I will miss the way you really listen to me
- I will miss the way you teach me how to be a better friend
- I will miss the way you push me towards Jesus
- I will miss the way your hugs feel
- I will miss laughing with you
- I will miss reminiscing with you on weird things we have done in the past summers
- I will miss your crazy cars with broken electrical gadgets
- I will miss hearing about you making cookies
And my heart hurts for selfish reasons. You have been the best friend I have ever had. You have walked with me the longest and you know me the best. We think about the world in the same way. And besides our sisters, I haven't met many who share that with us. I love how we are so different, yet the same mind in two separate bodies.
But thirdly, I am so excited to see what is in store for you. You are precious to me. And I can see the way that you are now precious to this man. I know that he will love and cherish you. I love that he sees the beautiful things about you that makes you unique. And my prayer is that he will continue to cherish those things that make you so special until the day you die. You are one of the best people that I have ever met. I am so happy for you, and if you are going to have to be away from me, I guess this is the reason that I would choose for the occasion.
Fourthly, I just want to say thank you. There are so many reasons that I am thankful for you, but I will try to just list a few. You are the most faithful and loyal friend I know. I have never worried about you leaving or walking out of my life. I know that I can tell you anything and you will not abandon me. You are understanding. You really seek to feel what others are feeling and embody multiplying others' joys and dividing sorrows. You are the best listener. I know that when I tell you something, you listen to every word and do so because you really want to know - you never listen because you are required to or because I expect you to. You are joyful. You know that we laugh the most together. I mean, come on, you had to take tylenol after coming to my house when we were kids. You are a steadfast follower of Christ. You teach me so much through your example and encouragement. I am thankful that we never have to say goodbye because eternally we are sisters in Him.
You are so dear to me. I don't know how else to close this, than by saying, I am honored to call you my best friend. I am so incredibly thankful to be a part of your life and to have you in mine. I love you more than life. WAGE.