Things to note:
1. This punk, also know as my little brother (who is not so little anymore), hit his first home run in a little league game. He is definitely the veteran of the team this year. He was the only 10 year old to play on the Orioles back in the spring of 2010. Now he is the biggest and the best on his team. He would never tell you that, but I'm his sister. I'm allowed to brag. I'm proud of you, little brother. Keep on doing your thing.
Ladies, stay away. Please, I am not ready for girls in his life. Let his loves be Jesus and baseball for right now. |
**This was back from last spring. Hopefully, I will get some pictures of his games when I go home. He is too awesome.**
2. My sister broke a six-minute mile this week. Holy smokes. Who does she think she is? First of all, she is insane because this season she has been fighting through an injury of her IT band. It's crazy that she runs that fast despite the wear and tear on her body. Also, can we talk about how she improved by 22 seconds in one week? Last week she was complaining about a 6:20 minute mile. I will have you know that this is faster than I have ever run the mile in my life. So poor thing... but then for her to go and break a six minute mile, while injured, while improving by 22 seconds in one week. That girl is crazy. And I'm crazy proud. She's a gem.
She is light into my life. |
3. The first-born of our family is about to finish his second to last week of undergraduate higher education. When did I blink? I remember it like yesterday. We were heading out to the creek, or throwing acorns at passing cars from the bushes (they may or may not have stopped the car, found us in the bushes, lectured us on how the acorn could have broken their windshield...yeah, right... you were going 25 mph... and then told us to go home and tell our parents...which I never did), or playing Sega - lion king style, or painting the swingset with water, or starting a bead war, rollerblading around with our hockey sticks in the garage, playing in the flooded basement, getting up after we were put to bed and sleeping on the floor, or jumping on the trampoline with all the neighborhood kids. Or that time when I was six and sprained my ankle and his eight-year-old self carried me home on his back. Well, thanks for going down memory lane with me for a bit. I cannot believe Ryan is old enough to be graduating in a few short weeks. I am so proud of the man he is becoming. He has emerged: working hard, achieving so much, growing in relationships. He is a stud for getting all the internships that he gets. In a year he will be heading out into the real world at the ripe age of 22 with his master's degree in accounting. I am so thankful for how I see the Lord repairing and restoring our relationship. This summer should be a time of growth and continuing reconciliation for us.
I'm thankful. |
Could they be any more good-looking? Seriously. |
This boy is crazy. |
I am blessed. |
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