Saturday, June 16, 2012

Nannying 101

My job this summer is playing "mom" to a 10-year-old boy and a 7-year-old girl. I go to their house 4 days a week while their mother works. Now, I have had various babysitting jobs, but nothing this long or regular. These kids are great, but there has been much I have learned in the past week about kids and being in charge of a household, even for a little bit:
  1. The recorder is without a doubt the worst instrument created. I am seeking vengeance on whoever created the recorder, whoever decided it was a good idea to give it to elementary aged kids, and whoever taught these kids how to play it. Mom, I'm sorry for all those years. I now know how you must have felt.
  2. Kids are M-E-S-S-Y. Keeping the kitchen clean is next to impossible. Kids like to snack. Maybe they have a snack impulse that is triggered by a clean kitchen. Seriously.
  3. Kids have no filter. They say what's on their mind. It is hilarious, great, and refreshing.
  4. Kids are innocent. It's awesome to watch kids who love the Lord. One day this week, I was driving the kids to go see Madagascar 3. Matt Redman was serenading us with "10,000 Reasons." I was singing along when I heard a little voice pipe up and start to sing from the back seat. Before you knew it, I had two kids in the car singing their little hearts out to the Lord. A mundane task of driving to the movies became a sweet moment of praise to the Lord.
  5. Safety becomes an issue for most activities. I worry about them when we bike places. I become hypervigilant.
  6. I am not ready for kids as much as I love em.

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